North Yorkshire Police say they are seeing positive results in their efforts to improve their handling of 999 calls.
The force has a target of answering 90% of emergency calls within 10 seconds.
The latest Data for shows that the force had an average answer time of 11 seconds.
Deputy Chief Constable Scott Bissett says they are making progress.
While the 11 second answer time is just outside the target of ten seconds, Chief Constable - Tim Forber - says progress is being made. Performance remained strong during the busy summer months of July to September, with 89.5% of calls answered within 10 seconds and more improvement works underway.
Several steps have been taken to improve call handling, including adding communications officers to the force control room. The force has also taken steps to educate the public about appropriate 999 use, reminding them that the emergency line should only be used for genuine emergencies.
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